Monday, February 27, 2012


 I am happy to report that my Thursday night Skipping debut went pretty well. Final score of 9-2 in 7 ends. We won and we all had a lot of fun. Team Clog and Bash are blast to play against. They have a lot of fun together and are pretty hilarious. They are among some of my favorite people at the club.

I'm totally loving the red #7 rock on sheet A. That rock can do no wrong.
 I have determined that I don't like to Skip. Too nerve wracking. I was too tense all the time; I ended up giving myself a head/neck ache. While it was a lot of fun, you can't really let loose since you have to be the one in control and you may be the one that has to bail your team out. I leaned on the Husband and our usual Skip a little, mainly because I'm a little iffy on the strategy. But I learned a lot and I have a lot respect for the good skips at our club. Plus - it's too damn cold to play Skip! I was wearing two pairs of pants AND two shirts under my jacket AND I was still chilly.

 At the table afterwards, the Husband and I figured out that I am undefeated as Skip. Now before you go 'wow', I'm only 3 and 0. And I doubt either one of those numbers is going to get higher any time soon.

Look at me pretending like I know what the hell I'm doing!! :)

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