Monday, February 21, 2011

Monday Night Open League

 Tonight is our regular Monday night open league at 8pm. Before the start of the new draw, we worked it out with the drawmaster to have our Toronto travel team play together. It was a little against the rules, since he usually makes the teams. But we wanted as much practice together before March. 19th. And he was very cool to let us do that.

 Practice on Saturday night went well. The other girl on our team has more experience than the rest of us, plus she has played competively. She walked us through some drills she knows, and they helped a lot! At least for me. When I paired her drills with keeping my head up (!!), I was doing good. Afterwards, the husband and I practiced some takeouts. Towards the end, I was getting there all right. Then I wanted to back it up a little and try to throw some guards. For the last draw, going from throwing takeout weight to guard weight was always a little hard for me to do. But I used some of the stuff I learned from one of the drills and I was able to dial it back a little. Wasn't perfect, but with a little more practice I think I can figure it out better. I lost track of how many rocks I threw by the end, but man, was I sore! My sliding leg was very sore, cause I was trying real hard to keep control of my slides. I've always been a little wobbily, and I'm trying to work on that.


  1. You do have the COOLEST drawmaster.

  2. Haha, of course. The pants clearly make that statement before I ever did. :)
